Weekly Photo Challenge – Between

Moorhead, MN Between I-94 and the north frontage road in Moorhead, Minnesota is a small pond. Since spring, the pond has been the host for two families of geese. This week, we are challenged to show a photo or photos that depict our own version of “Between“. I’d been waiting for an excuse to take some family portraits (from a distance, of course… Mother Goose can be a vicious adversary.)

From the challenge post, “This week, in a post created specifically for this challenge, share a photo that says BETWEEN.” Click here to see the original challenge in detail. I submit for your avian enjoyment, several photos depicting “between.” In between the pond and a field, the frontage road meanders around a curve to the nearby Sam’s Club and a big box home improvement store. The adolescents we’ve watched grow up from chicks walk between Mother and Father Goose. The two families of geese fearlessly cross the frontage road several times a day to alternatively feed in the field and swim in the pond. It’s not uncommon to see a line of cars patiently waiting for the geese to finish crossing the road. At this moment, a sidewalk lies between the two families as they head for the water and a beautiful evening’s swim. The bond between parent and offspring is easily visible in the two families as they swim in two family units. Though it appears there is no father goose in the family at the top left, he was actually standing on the shore on the opposite side of the pond when this photo was taken.

John Steiner


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