Cellpic Sunday – 28 April 2019

Miami, Florida.

It was morning on disembarkation day at Miami. As usual, I was up early. The Norwegian Star, fresh from her voyage through the Panama Canal sat in port. Inside, the ship was already bustling with people getting ready to return to their daily lives after a 14-day vacation. The ship’s main deck atrium was already full with people sitting around awaiting their turn to depart, yet it was early enough that the ship hadn’t yet even cleared Customs.

I was standing on the Promenade Deck looking at the buildings across the channel from the cruise ship dock when another cruise ship proceeded into port. Looking online, I wasn’t able to determine where she was coming from for this post, but I did learn that by the end of the day this photo was taken, the Equinox would begin a Southern Caribbean 7-day itinerary.

About the photo:

I didn’t have my Nikon with me so I pulled my Samsung S7 cellphone out and captured a few images as the ship passed by. This image is my favorite as it happened to capture some of the Miami shoreline. I exported the image into Aurora 2019 for basic processing. I am always amazed at the detail captured by today’s modern digital image sensors. Tools like Aurora do a great job of pulling out those details that don’t show up well with the camera’s basic processing tools. In most browsers, you can click on the image to enlarge it for a better view of those details.

John Steiner


  1. Used to be if no camera no photo. Now the phone is always nearby and doing a fine job, especially vs the “old days” when phone cameras first came out! Cool photo John

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