Weekly Photo Challenge – Anticipation

Scottsdale, Arizona.

This week, Michelle W. asks us what we are waiting for. “…An image of something you hope to have one day, or something that was worth the wait.” You can read the entire challenge post hereOf course, I could anticipate owning a beautiful example of Americana like the classic touring car above, but with a price tag somewhere north of six figures, there’s no point in anticipating something that isn’t going to ever happen. I can, however, anticipate going someplace where I can see, if not touch or drive, a large number of these great American and foreign examples of classic automobilia.

The many classic and not-so-classic cars on display at the Barrett-Jackson Auto Auctions around the country draw many visitors each year. The annual show and sale in Scottsdale is truly an anticipated event for me. In fact, prior to seeing this week’s challenge, I’d already scheduled an upcoming Journey for January 3 publication where I reworked some photos taken over the years at the Scottsdale auction. That post, coincidentally is titled in part Scottsdale Anticipation.

We already have our tickets and are waiting in anticipation to once again walk through the tents and shelters where hundreds of classic vehicles of all types await the anticipation of many prospective new owners. While I won’t be one of those new owners, I will certainly share in the joy of viewing the objects of their anticipation. I leave you, hopefully, with the anticipation of viewing the photos I share from this year’s auction.

John Steiner



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