Weekly Photo Challenge – Half and Half

This week’s photo challenge is entitled Half and Half. Ben Huberman suggests that we present an image that focuses on the half. We are asked to share an image that has two clear halves, literally or figuratively. You can view the entire challenge post hereAs usual, I try to twist the challenge just a bit to look at it slightly differently. The challenge immediately brought to mind a project I worked on to decorate one of the walls in our house.

Instead of one picture focusing on the half, I have two images focusing on the left and right halves of a mid-1950s classic Buick. The idea of the original project was to create a split image to display both halves on either side of a large window.

The original image was a single front-view of the car taken at a Barrett-Jackson Auto Auction in Scottsdale. Using Photoshop Elements and Lightroom, I tweaked the image into two separate images and printed and framed them. You can find the details on the steps I followed to create the split image in an earlier post here.

The photo below demonstrates how the split images were displayed.


John Steiner




    • Thanks, Tina. Cars of this era speak to me, though when they were built, I was far too young to drive. 🙂 Not sure why, but they always turn out to be my best automotive pics. Maybe it’s just because unknowingly, I take some extra TLC when shooting and processing that era’s vehicles.

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