
Yours truly ziplining in Alaska

I love to travel and I love to take pictures… I also love to write. What could be more appealing to me than a blog where I can share what I love with others?

When I was young, I was a photo fanatic, even processing my own color prints in my home darkroom. Those of a certain age who remember early color print technology know how color chemistry was an exacting and critical process.

Eventually life got in the way of my photography hobby and snapshot cameras replaced the more capable cameras in my collection. As I neared retirement and thoughts of traveling danced through my dreams, I envisioned myself as a professional landscape photographer, travelling the world and selling images by the score. I would soon be raking in all kinds of cash to be spent eagerly on all the latest photographic gear.

Reality, of course, didn’t match my dreams, and the notion of running a business got in the way of doing what I love best, taking pictures and traveling and taking more pictures. I have sold the occasional print, but those are few and far between. Basically, I give them away to friends and family.

The time I spend writing and sharing my work on Facebook, Twitter and on my own blog pages are some of my most enjoyable hours in the day. Those hours are second only to the hours I spend “in the field” visiting new and interesting places hoping to find a photo story to share with my friends in the blog-o-sphere. I hope you, dear reader, find the time to stop and visit, leave a comment or two and share your experiences at the places I visit.

Expect to find digressions here as well… I love aviation, hiking, technology and history. Readers will find me exploring these topics as well. Welcome to my home on the Interweb!

Find my photo page on Facebook at Photo By Johnbo. I am also on Twitter @photobyjohnbo and Flickr at https://www.flickr.com/photos/photobyjohnbo/.

John Steiner

Updated 9/22/2017


  1. It’s lovely to meet you John! I’m so happy I stumbled across your blog, both your pictures and your writing is wonderful. If you ever find your way out to southern California let me know – maybe you could get some landscape shots with my pedal harp? I bet they’d be beautiful 🙂

    ❤ and harp strings,

    • Thanks for the nomination. It is my first since starting the blog. We just got to our winter home and are starting an extensive travel schedule so I won’t have time to do any more blogging than my usual. I even wrote the next four Travel Tuesdays so they will post automatically. I am hoping I will be able to keep up with the Friday photo challenge and my Cellpic Sunday posts. Thanks again for the nomination. It is appreciated.

  2. Happy to have come upon your blog in the Blogging 201 community blogroll that I just discovered today. I am looking forward to reading more of your posts and seeing your photography. My blog, Seen Along the Trail, is a photoblog about the things I see and people I meet during my trail walks.

  3. Hi John, how lovely to meet you and find your blog. You have some amazing photography on here. I too love travel and photography and sharing my love of life via my posts. Look forward to exploring more of your work. Cheers from Australia.

  4. How did you make such a smooth transition to retirement? I retired about 2 1/2 years ago and I am really struggling. My job was my identity and my wife is still working.

    • My life was my work as well, my friend. I decided I needed something to keep busy. That turned out to be rekindling my interest in photography. When I lost interest in taking photos, it was a different world where film was king. I purchased a digital camera and immersed myself in learning how to take advantage of the technology. Mix in some travel and an interest in writing and I found myself spending hours daily in my avocation.

      Recently I decided to put more effort in my volunteer work as a member of the Civil Air Patrol. My wife still works part time because she likes her job, and I find myself wondering where the time goes each day.

  5. Your photography is amazing, I’m inspired to take a road trip across America someday so I can see these sights for myself, but I’m from Singapore (halfway across the globe), so fulfilling this dream of mine will take a few more years. I’ve only recently started a travel blog (chasingfaithandlove.wordpress.com) and would really appreciate it if you could check it out! 🙂

  6. Hi John,

    I really enjoyed your blog and loved your photography and travel stories.

    I’m a blogger for Southwest Discoveries where I write about all kinds hiking and backpacking topics. If you feature other writers, I’d love to write it for you. I just published Take a Hike: 7 of the Grandest Adventures in the Southwest

    Let me know if you are interested. I am obviously not looking for payment, I’d just love for my work to be featured on a great site.

    Looking forward to hearing from you,


    Southwest Discoveries

  7. Hello, I just found your picture of the haw river and was wondering if there is a way to purchase the digital image? I’m starting an activism page to save our river and drinking water here in Pittsboro and I would love for your image to be my cover photo. You do amazing work!

    • I will be happy to donate the image. I can email you a higher quality image than what I use in my blog. That would be better for your cover photo. My email is photobyjohnbo at gmail.com. I only request photo credit.

  8. Hi, John. I am a recent follower of your blog. I love photography and find your posts very interesting. I read the section about the Lens-Artists Photo Challenge and was curious about it. Where can I read more about the project and how to join in the challenges?

      • Thanks for the link, John. I had already read your post about it. Somehow, I was still unclear about how the topic is decided and whether a general note is sent out to a list or blog. In other words, how do other people find out the topics for upcoming challenges? Can anyone post an entry to a given challenge even if it’s already past?

      • Thanks for clarifying your questions, my friend. Our team doesn’t publish a list of future challenges. Each challenge is announced every Saturday at noon U.S. Eastern Time and submissions can be made anytime during that week for the current challenge. Each of our team members decides on their own topic for the week that they lead the challenge, which is previewed within our team ahead of time.

        After surveying our readers, we found that most are happy to learn the topic for the week each Saturday, however, once each month we publish the first subject of the next month a week early. That challenge topic is announced the last week of the month and described in advance of publication on the first Saturday of each month.

        There is no restriction for publishing responses to past challenges. After all, it is your page that you are publishing. Most often we see posts from the previous week on someone’s page.

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