Cellpic Sunday – 22 November 2020

Glacier National Park, Montana.

Our visit to Glacier was marred by heavy haze and smoke due to the many wildfires in our western states. As they say, “Make do with what you have.” I will admit that the normally clear views of the mountains have an air of mystery about them in the photos that I have processed so far from our journey on the Going to the Sun Road.

About the photo: I will save the details and photo gallery from our journey through the park for our regular Travel Tuesday post at some point in the future. For this post, I feature a cellpic captured at Going to the Sun Point. The viewpoint is a short drive from the main road and from the parking area, hikers can begin a journey along the Sun Point Nature Trail. This view is but a short distance from the trailhead.

Captured on my Samsung S20U, the original 4000×3000 pixel image was processed as usual in Adobe Lightroom and Luminar 4 and reduced to 1024×768 pixels for publication here. I must say that Luminar 4 did a wonderful job of cutting through the haze. Those mountains in the distance are barely visible in the gray background. Luminar’s haze removal feature and AI enhancements brought out more definition to the mountains and gave up the fact that that there was blue in the sky that day.

John Steiner


  1. In Toronto, we also had the sky hazed by this smoke coming from the West for a few days. This made the pictures more challenging, your processing is very convincing.

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