Tropical Breezes – Fanning Island Revisited

Tabuaeran, Republic of Kiribati

Usually by this time, Lynn and I are firmly planted in Arizona for the winter. Due to circumstances beyond our control, we won’t be headed south until after the first of the new year. This morning it’s quite a bit colder than previous recent days, and we are noticing the chill. (It was around 7 degrees F., about minus 14 C. this morning.)

Looking for a topic of this week’s travel post, I wanted to feature some place that would take my mind off the cool weather around here in Fargo, North Dakota. What better place to feature than a tropical atoll near the equator in the Pacific Ocean?

The British named Fanning Island, but its native name is Tabuaeran. Whatever it’s called, it’s a tropical paradise. I submit for your approval a small gallery of images captured in 2007 on our visit to Fanning Island. Click on one of the images to enlarge it and to scroll through the gallery.


You can read more about our trip to Fanning Island in an earlier post. Click here to view more images of Tabuaeran and read about our visit there.

John Steiner


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