Weekly Photo Challenge – Gone but not Forgotten

This week, we are challenged to think of that which is lost, but not forgotten. From the challenge post, “It could be a photo of a faithful canine friend who’s chasing squirrels in a better place, a spot in your city, town, or village that reminds you of a relationship now over…” You can view the entire challenge post here. In the lead photo above, this example is a 1934 Duesenberg, built in Saint Paul, Minnesota. The company was founded by the Duesenberg brothers in 1913 who closed up shop in 1922. The Duesenberg name was sold to the Cord Automobile Company and production of the luxury cars ceased in 1937, a victim of the great depression.

This example De Soto suffered a few sprinkles of rain during its exhibitition. A Chrysler product, its first model was produced for the 1929 model year. Production of the line ceased in 1961.

This week, I have several different directions that I could take in focusing my images on this challenge. I may even post a second gallery featuring one of the other image sets that come to mind. However, I am looking forward to my annual trek to Arizona in early January, a little later than usual. I hope to get back to the warm country sometime during the week of January 10-18, 2015. That week features one of my favorite Arizona treats, the 2015 Barrett-Jackson Auto Auction.

This Pontiac Star Chief interior demonstrates the affection lavished upon a mid-20th century vehicle restoration. Pontiac began as a buggy manufacturer in 1893, eventually moving to motorized buggies, and then the fledgling manufacturer was purchased by General Motors. The last Pontiac to roll off the assembly line was a 2010 model manufactured in late 2009.

In anticipation of that mega-collection of classic automobiles, I have selected to feature a gallery of vehicles that are gone but not forgotten in the eyes of the automobile enthusiast. None of these vehicles are in current production, some going out of production as late as the first decade of the 21st century. I submit for your approval a gallery of classic cars that can no longer be found in a new car showroom. Click on one of the images to enlarge it and to scroll through the gallery.

John Steiner


  1. Wonderful response to the challenge John – methinks thou art a car guy!! I’m partial to that killer interior on the Star Chief – they sure don’t make em like that any more 😍

    • I am a car guy wannabe. My only “exotic ” vehicle was a 1971 MGB that I drove in the summer for a decade or so in the ’80s and early 90s. The trunk in that Star Chief has a nicer finish than my old MGs interior. 🙂

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