Weekly Photo Challenge – Room

One of several rooms in the King’s Palace deep underground in Carlsbad Caverns. View more images of the caverns here.

This week we are challenged to share our take on “room.” As it says in the challenge post, a room can be an enclosing space surrounded by four walls or a much larger space, usually separated by some form of boundary. Another room that can be focused upon is room for improvement… something you might say about the gallery of photographs I am featuring in this challenge response. I submit for your constructive criticism about room for my improvement, this week’s challenge photos, “Room.”

One of the rooms inside the ruins of Casa Grande, probably last occupied around 1450 a.d. To view more of the ancient structure, click here.

As a landscape photographer, I don’t have many photographs of physical rooms to share. My gallery mostly features outdoor spaces that provide plenty of room to travel freely. Click on any of the small images below to view an enlarged version and scroll through the gallery.


You can read the details about this week’s challenge assignment here.

John Steiner


    • Indeed! There is quite a large herd in the valley. At one point on our 3-mile hike that day, a large number, probably more than 20, galloped across our trail about 200 yards in front of us.

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