Weekly Photo Challenge – Earth

Only a short time ago, it was Earth Day and tomorrow is Mother’s Day. The coincidence of holidays inspired Jen H. to create a challenge topic focusing on Earth. You can read the entire challenge post here. Her tagline on the post is, “Share your vision of our magnificent Earth through your lens.”

Mother Earth is our protector and is home to the shearwater chick in the opening image. This little one is protected in a small burrow in the side of a hill. Well hidden from predators, this chick’s parents can safely leave the chick and bring back a daily meal without concern. This nest was found at the Kilauea Point National Wildlife Refuge on the island of Kauai, Hawaii. We spent an afternoon at the refuge. You can view more photos of that visit here.

The Cattle Egret prefers the dry earth to water. Often found in the fields where cattle also find food, they have been known to ride on the back of a steer looking for a meal of ticks. This Cattle Egret was found along the shore line near the Tárcoles River in Costa Rica. You can read more about our visit to Costa Rica and view some photos of it’s abundant wildlife here.

John Steiner


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