Cellpic Sunday – 20 June 2021

Fargo, North Dakota.

Lynn and I went to our first Fargo-Moorhead Readhawks game last week. After a hot streak of 100 degrees and near-100s, the temperature that afternoon hit only about 80, and at game time, it was in the mid-70s. In 2020, we attended one game only, not really enjoying the game with the necessarily limited, socially-distanced spectators. We opted to put our game attendance on hold for the season.

Coming home from Arizona and now fully vaccinated, we are ready to return to many of our normal activities. Judging from the size of the crowd at the game, it looks like everyone else there felt the same as we do. We both know that the vaccines aren’t 100 percent reliable, but in an outdoor setting, we feel comfortable following the CDC’s latest guidelines for large outdoor gatherings (for the most part, anyway.) North Dakota’s Covid numbers have been declining with the 7-day average in our county of 5 cases/day. Looking at the graph from the New York Times for Cass County, North Dakota, on the day of the game, June 11, the graph is at the lowest point since tracking started in April 12, 2020. At that time, the 7-day average was 12.

In a recent newscast, the mayor of Fargo noted that tracking of Covid in the city’s sanitary system has reached such a low level, city officials are estimating that Fargo is nearing herd immunity. As of this writing, our county has almost 60 percent coverage for at least one shot.

We have been watching with great interest the resumption of ocean cruising around the world. I am hoping all goes well enough to restore that business to full operation by next year.

About the photo: Captured with my Samsung S20U, I imported it into Adobe Lightroom for minor cropping and a few other basic tweaks. Click on the image to view it in my Flickr gallery or view photo information and metadata.

John Steiner


  1. It seems you have less strict distancing rules for outside events than we do here at present. Our stadiums are operating at 25% capacity maximum. Still, even that is a big step forwards 🙂

    • Our state has pretty much reopened. We are still cautious about eating in a crowded restaurant, but if we can have a high walled booth or spaced apart from other guests, we feel more comfortable than we did earlier this year.
      I was hoping to have a little more space about us at the game, but given the low covid numbers in our county, that continue to be stable, we are OK with being outside in the stadium. The 7-day average since June 1 is 4 to 5 in our county of about 190,000 residents.

  2. We all want to move around again, but maybe not to the point of locking up in a boat with thousands of other people. As you say, the protection of the vaccine is not absolute and will decline over time.

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