Weekly Photo Challenge – Chaos

This week, Ben Huberman asks us to “embrace disorder and its creative power.” You can read the entire challenge post here. OK, so why does this photo of a butterfly meet the challenge? Fans of the 1960s Secret Agent spoof, Get Smart will remember Maxwell Smart’s “Would you believe…” So, would you believe that a butterfly could cause a tornado?

If a single butterfly could cause a tornado, could the three butterflies in the image above cause a hurricane? In the 1960s, the Butterfly Effect became the founding principle of chaos theory. Edward Lorenz, in doing research on weather patterns and their predictability, suggested that the single flap of a butterfly’s wings might ultimately cause a tornado. Lorenz’s ground-breaking research on predictability threw the scientific community into a sort of chaos in and of itself.

This week’s challenge led me to reading about chaos theory on a chance Google Search where I saw a reference to the “butterfly effect”. I enjoy taking these challenges to a different place, somehow related… yet not. If you want to read more about Lorenz and chaos theory, you will find it here.

John Steiner


  1. So, that’s why meteorologists are so often incorrect when predicting the weather… “Deterministic Nonperiodic Flow,” is further proof that scientists have yet to understand how to craft a clickable title. LOL 🙂

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