Cellpic Sunday – 29 October 2017

West Fargo, North Dakota.

On a shopping trip to Costco last Sunday afternoon, we were just finishing up when Lynn ran into an old friend. We were chatting with her when we heard a loud bird whistle. Lynn’s friend looked up and marveled that someone would let a bird into the store. I said, “What???!!!”

Sure enough, looking around, I saw the guy in the photo above walking along with the bird sitting on top rail of the child seat on his cart. Of course, I had to ask if it was OK for me to take a photo with my trusty cell phone camera. He readily obliged. At that, he offered to take my photo with the bird on my shoulder. Always willing to try something new, I said to myself… er, ah nevermind. I said, “Sure,” outloud.

You may notice that I appear to be cringing a bit. You’ll also notice the bird’s beak is open. At the moment the gentleman snapped the photo, the bird let out a very loud “wolf whistle” right in my ear. My next stop… over to the nearby hearing aid center. >grin<

John Steiner


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