Weekly Photo Challenge – Relic

This week we are challenged to share a photo of what “relic” means to us. From the post: …” it could be your still-running 1979 Honda Accord Hatchback, an historic building in your town, or an old, rusted farm implement poking up through the long grass in a field. You can read the challenge description here.

In my mind, the classic definition of “relic” is an ancient remnant of a building, personal belonging, or other antiquity. In the lead photo of this post, relics from the ruins at the Casa Grande National Monument are displayed in the main building. Clearly these artifacts from the 14th and 15th centuries can be considered relics.

The compound at Casa Grande includes the remains of a large structure in the center core of a courtyard. As shown in this photo, at the outer walls of the courtyard, are found several smaller structural remains in various states of erosion. You can see more images and read more about Casa Grande in an earlier post here.

Always one to bend the rules a bit, relics don’t have to be ancient. I have included a gallery of shots of some of the restored relics at Barrett-Jackson’s auto auctions over the last couple of years. Click on any one of the images to enlarge and to scroll through the gallery.


John Steiner

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