Lens-Artists Challenge #279 – Magical

Happy Holidays.

This week, Ann-Christine’s challenge is Magical. She writes, “Now, Magical might mean so many different things to us, so – What is Magical to you? Special people, places, things; nature, adventures, childhood memories… – what are the ingredients you want there to make it magical?” You can read her entire challenge post here. Given that December hosts at least 11 holidays celebrated around the world, in addition to my photo response, I included a magical fairy tale to accompany the images.

The Festival of Holiday Magic

Once upon a time, in a small, picturesque town nestled in the heart of the mountains, there was a special holiday tradition known as the “Festival of Holiday Magic.” The townspeople eagerly awaited this event every year, for it was a time when the entire community came together to celebrate the joy, love, and wonder of the holiday season.

The festival began with the lighting of the town’s enormous holiday tree, which stood in the center of the town square. This tree was unlike any other; it was said to possess a touch of holiday magic. Legend had it that every year, the tree would grant one special wish to someone in the town who truly believed in the magic of the season.

A Christmas Village display.

This year, a young girl named Lily had a special wish in her heart. She wished for something that would bring happiness not only to herself but to her entire town. Lily was known for her kindness and compassion, and her wish was to ensure that no one in her town went without a warm meal, a cozy place to stay, or a smile during the holiday season.

Lily decided to embark on a journey of goodwill and began to spread holiday cheer throughout the town. She helped the elderly with their groceries, sang carols at the local nursing home, and even organized a toy drive for the less fortunate children. Her acts of kindness touched the hearts of everyone she met, and soon, her small acts of goodwill began to create a ripple effect of kindness throughout the town.

Holiday Lights.

As the festival neared, the town square buzzed with excitement. Lily stood in front of the holiday tree, along with all the townspeople, holding their collective breath as the mayor flipped the switch to light the tree. A soft, golden glow enveloped the tree, and for a brief moment, it felt as though the entire town was bathed in a warm, magical light.

Carolers ornaments.

Then, something truly remarkable happened. A gentle, melodic chime rang through the crisp winter air, and a flurry of sparkling snowflakes danced around the tree. As the townspeople looked on in awe, they saw their wishes, written on little pieces of paper and tied to the tree’s branches, shimmer and come to life.

Lily’s wish, to ensure that no one in her town went without a warm meal, a cozy place to stay, or a smile during the holiday season, transformed into reality. The town’s community center was filled with the aroma of delicious holiday meals, a local inn opened its doors to those without shelter, and volunteers fanned out to bring comfort and joy to every corner of the town. It was as if the entire town had been wrapped in a warm, magical embrace.

Santa’s busy day is over.

The townspeople soon realized that Lily’s selfless acts of kindness had unlocked the true holiday magic within the tree, and it had granted her wish. The Festival of Holiday Magic became a testament to the power of spreading love and goodwill during the holiday season.

A toast for world peace!

From that year forward, the town continued to celebrate the festival, but it was no longer just about the lighting of the tree; it was about coming together, sharing love, and creating magic for those in need. The holiday season became a time of year when the people of the town found joy in giving, and they learned that the true magic of the holidays lay in their hearts and in their capacity to make the world a better place through acts of kindness and compassion.

Season’s Greetings.

And so, in that little mountain town, the magic of the holidays continued to shine brightly, year after year, reminding everyone that the spirit of the season could bring warmth and happiness to all, just as long as they believed in the power of holiday magic.

Sunset on Christmas Day.

The images above are from my gallery of holiday photos. You can pixel-peep in 2K HD and view photo metadata in my Flickr gallery here. Thanks to Ann-Christine for this week’s Magical challenge. Next week, Tina hosts.

Credit where credit is due: The story above was written by ChatGPT using only the prompt, “Tell me a story about Holiday Magic”.

John Steiner


  1. I am not even sure how to respond. Creative? Yes. Beautiful and Magical? Yes. And ChatGPT sure knows how to tug at the heartstrings, doesn’t it? Great idea, John. Your images are truly magical. Especially love the wine glass with the lights reflected in it, and the blue house.

  2. Truly magical and Christmassy, John! I did not suspect ChatGPT from the start…but well, it (he?) made it. Thank you for this surprise! Love love the toast for world peace. ♥

  3. Thanks, John (and ChatGPT), for such a message full of hope. Lily is hope personified. Let’s keep wishing for all those good things. I loved the ornament photos and all photos accompanying the story.

    • Thanks, Egidio! I like taking holiday photos of those iconic symbols of the season. Given my busy schedule this year, sadly, I haven’t yet taken any new photos for the season… Oh well, I’ve got a few days left.

    • Thanks, John… In my experiments with ChatGPT, I could have suggested it be written in Kafka’s style. It would have been done. I once asked ChatGPT to write a story in the style of Edgar Allan Poe. The program was amazingly accurate in its construction.
      At once, AI is scary and amazing.

  4. I am smiling at your use of ChatGPT. These are lovely pictures and they went along quite well with the story. I trust AI didn’t generate these pictures, right? hehe.

    Enjoyed the post John

    – Archer

    • Oh, the photos are original images, but with today’s AI-based photo tools, many of the tweaks probably were applied with the help of AI. There were no AI composites, just basic editing tools applied. Indeed, I used Luminar AI when processing some of the older photos in this post. That app didn’t have nearly the AI complement of tools that exist in today’s Luminar Neo.

      • i’m starting to look into Luminar AI based on your posts about the program. It seems to be a very nice and sleek interface. I’m glad you talked about it as I think this can be a great tool for photographers.

        Again, enjoyed the pics very much John. Hope you and your family are enjoying the holiday season thus far


      • Luminar AI may still be available, I am not sure, but it has been replaced by Luminar Neo which has much more sophisticated processing tools. Check at Skylum.com for what they currently have available and support if you are looking for a powerful editing program.

  5. I must admit I was so sad to read that the post was written by AI John. I really wanted to believe the story!!!The images are perfect with it and you had me all the way! Thanks for admitting the AI use though. I suspect others would do the same without the admission (although of course we can hope not 😊. Happy Holidays to you!

    • I enjoy experimenting with new technology. AI writing is fascinating to me. I won’t take credit for something I didn’t write, and AI is not my work.

      Now, where does one draw the line? I’ve used the AI tools in Luminar AI to process photos for quite some time, and then moved to Luminar Neo with several tools that use AI to enhance images, erase stuff like power lines, etc.
      As I am not a journalist, I have no obligation to avoid journalistic images or to note when I use AI tools that are available to process my photos. I often do anyway, unless it’s using AI to remove a piece of trash, an annoying fence post, etc. It’s art. >grin<

  6. It is interesting to see how AI works better for text than images (maybe for some specific types of images…) It’s a magical post in your photos and also in your choice of using AI. A sign of things to come, hopefully with honesty too. Happy Holidays, John 🙂

    • Thanks, PR. AI gets a bad rap for writing, but when it comes to stories and poems, it is an amazing tool.
      It’s up to those who use the tools to “fess up” and give credit where it is due.

  7. You are so clever, John! I love that idea–to use Chat GPT to write the story. When I’ve tried it, I’ve used it for more mundane things, but your idea is terrific! And so are your images. All the best in 2024–good health, happiness, and plenty of inspiration. You definitely inspire me!

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