Cellpic Sunday – 25 February 2018

Morristown, Arizona.

Just west of I-17 and exit number 223, via SR 74, is a large man made lake of some 10,000 acres (40 sq km) known as Lake Pleasant. Originally a much smaller agricultural water storage project, the New Waddell Dam, completed in 1994, converted to a large water storage area for the Phoenix metropolitan area. Two marinas and a regional park provide just some of the attractions to this beautiful area. Fed by the Colorado (via the Central Arizona Project Aqueduct) and Agua Fria Rivers, the lake is much larger than its original size when first created in 1927.

About the photo: The Pipeline Canyon Trail travels north and south some distance west of the lake. At one point, however, a mountain arroyo (wash) backfilled with water from the reservoir providing a sheltered area of crystal clear water. A floating bridge provides transit for hikers crossing the wash. From that bridge, looking east toward the lake, there is a small glimpse of the main lake in the background. On our weekly hike, I stopped for a few moments to capture a photo of two fishermen working their skill. The photo was captured at f/1.7, 1/2800 sec., ISO-50 using my Samsung S7 Cellphone. The rule for Cellpic Sunday is simple. The image must be captured on a mobile device. On most browsers, you can click on the image to enlarge it for better viewing.

John Steiner


  1. Gorgeous! I find it amusing how hippie, green, do gooders complain about the diminishing state of ground water, yet also advise everyone to collect rain water in giant barrels connected to down spouts. Seems counter intuitive, unless of course they use the water to water the lawn… Haha, I don’t know why this made me think of that but… here we are. Happy traveling!

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