Weekly Photo Challenge – Bridge

This week, Cheri Lucas Rowlands asks us to think about the things, places or people that connect us. She writes, “You can… capture any type or style of bridge where you are, or go deeper and take a snapshot of something or someone that acts as a bridge in your life.” The entire challenge post can be found here.

I have several photos of bridges, but I focused on the one above as it’s a bridge across the main gates into Arizona’s Renaissance Festival. On the bridge, the King and his Court welcome visitors to bridge the centuries from present day back to the 15th century or earlier. Walk under the double-arch bridge and walk back several hundred years.

For good measure, I’ve included a gallery of my favorite bridge photographs. Click on an image below. If your browser supports it, you can enlarge the photo and scroll through the gallery.

John Steiner


  1. Aren’t bridges just so much fun to photograph? This is a great collection, some familiar to me, others not. Thank you.

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