Cellpic Sunday – 5 July 2020

Fargo, North Dakota.

Regular readers have already seen some images captured at Orchard Glen Park here in Fargo. This park, and it’s nearby Forest River Park are new discoveries to my wife, Lynn, and me. Though small, they both pack a lot of natural beauty that is complemented by the Red River of the North which meanders through the area. Indeed, the park and orchard were reclaimed from private owners who sold after a particularly devastating spring flood. The area, prone to annual flooding, was part of a community buyout. I plan to return to the park regularly throughout the summer to capture images throughout the three seasons we are in Fargo. If I’m “lucky”, I’ll be able to capture some “winter” images if we get an early snowfall or two before our annual trip to Arizona. More images to come.

About the photo: Captured on the Samsung S20U, this image captures a short section of “beach” along the river bank as the river turns easterly. A nature trail parallels this section of the river which is hidden behind lots of vegetation except for openings like this one that allows nice views of the river. I let the camera determine exposure, 1/2500 sec, f/2.2, ISO-64. The final image was processed in Lightroom and Luminar 4.

John Steiner

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