Weekly Photo Challenge – On The Move

People like to move about, and as it said in this week’s challenge, photos of people in motion are easier than ever to capture. The modern cell phone provides everyone with a quality camera. OK, so it’s not the Hasselblad of the bygone era of film photography, but in return for a lesser quality image, we have accepted and relished in the portability of the modern digital camera. You can read the details of this week’s photo challenge here.

I submit for your visual virtual vacation, people on the move, from foot power to alcohol fuel power. All of the photos in this small gallery happened to be taken with either a Nikon 5100 or a Nikon 7000; not quite as portable as my cell phone’s camera, but I prefer the flexibility and don’t mind the extra “bulk.”

Click on any of the images in the gallery below to see an enlarged view and scroll through the collection.

John Steiner


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