Lens Artists Photo Challenge – All Wet

This week Tina asks us to check our archives and share images that are “all wet”, either in subject or colloquially. She writes in part, “maybe you’ve just given your pet a bath, or perhaps the dewdrops on your garden have given you a smile.  You might also choose the colloquial meaning of the term “all wet” meaning mistaken or completely wrong.You can read her entire challenge post here. For my response, I chose the literal interpretation as in this image caught on a Nashville street as we stood in the doorway of a local bar while a short downpour was in progress.

Just prior to the canceling of cruising on a world-wide scale, we visited Belize. On a jungle river excursion, the sharp-eyed guide spotted a manatee and the boat captain brought us closer for a better look. In this image, the manatee popped his nostrils above water to grab a breath before returning to the depths. We were not as close as this image implies. I was using a telephoto lens and cropped the final image.

This guy may not be ‘all wet’ physically, but I say he’s ‘all wet’ in stupidity, feeding fish, I believe, to this croc in the Tarcoles River in Costa Rica. That’s nuts!

Another crocodile, this one all wet in the Belize River, just outside of Belize City posed for my camera (from the safe confines of our river boat cruiser.) No doubt he would love to sample some fish from our tour guide, but this guide proved to have some sanity and stayed safely on the boat.


One place that surely could be considered “all wet,” with rainfall at least an average of 234 days per year, is Ketchikan, Alaska. This view of the harbor was captured just after a rain shower as we were preparing to disembark for an excursion from the cruise ship Norwegian Pearl.

My last two images feature an abortive trip to the McBryde Garden on the island of Kauai, Hawaii. Shortly after we arrived, a sudden downpour caught us on our walk through the garden that became famous for scenes shot in the movie Jurassic Park. Our tour group huddled underneath a picnic shelter roof but one adventurous person ventured out despite the rain.

I have a collection of images captured in the garden that were “all wet” from the rain similar to this one. Shortly after the rain started, the tour guide abruptly ended the tour and we headed back to the bus that brought us to this section of the garden.

Thanks to Tina for allowing me to remember some of those rainy days and “all wet” wildlife I’ve captured over the years. When I woke up this morning, my cell phone reminded me that we were scheduled to board the Norwegian Escape in Italy this afternoon (May 3, as this is being written.) We’ve rescheduled for a similar cruise next April. It remains to be seen whether this pandemic will be behind us by then or not. We shall see in time. Stay safe in these troubled times.

John Steiner



  1. “Wet street” photos are one of my favorite things! I also love it when painters/artists can translate that into their paintings.

    • You and I are alike in that regard. Love a beautiful artistic rendition of wet streets in a painting! That gives me an idea… Use Photoshop Elements to give the Nashville image a “painterly” treatment. Thanks for the idea!

  2. Excellent choices John, especially liked your opening image. I saw a manatee once in Fla, pretty close up. It looked a bit like a cross between an elephant, a big seal, and a dolphin🙂. They are often hurt or killed by boats in Fla as they come close to shore.

    • It was interesting to see that the guide spotted the lighter color of the water from some distance away, even though the manatee hadn’t broken the surface. Apparently they stay just below the surface and if you aren’t looking for them, they are easy to run over. We were lucky to see one this close, and that was with a telephoto lens.

    • Only been to Costa Rica twice, both on Panama Canal excursion stops, and only for a day each. I have heard from others that there is lots to see there if one stays for awhile.

  3. A beautiful collection of excellent wets, John! Costa Rica is a fantastic place with among the world’s b est biodiversity. If it hadn’t been for the heat and humidity, it would have been number one on my list. Glad to come along with you!

  4. Great series. Love that Nashville shot. Definitely wet! Ketchikan reminds me that when m’lady and I were there on our Anchorage-Vancouver cruise, it was pouring, pouring, pouring rain. Wet, wet, wet! I didn’t look there for photos for this challenge, but I should!

  5. Great wet examples, John. I’ve only seen Ketchikan in the rain and it didn’t look quite as inviting as your photo of it. A unique place though.
    Your Nashville pic is wonderful, vibrant colour and nice reflections.

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