Weekly Photo Challenge – Cover Art

Estrella Mountain Trail Junction

This week we are challenged to “imagine which of your images you would like to see gracing the cover of a book, an album, or a magazine.” From the challenge post, “Would the image inspire us to take a peek through the pages, listen to the music, or buy a ticket to the show? Would it strike a chord with viewers, making them reflect on or revisit memories of places, people, and experiences?” You can view the original challenge post here.

The lead photo I submitted for the challenge was actually featured in an electronic publication about a 100 mile hiking challenge in Maricopa County. It was taken at a trail junction in Estrella Mountain Regional Park. Though it’s not a cover photo, it’s as close as I’ve come to having one published in print or online so far.

The bay at Zihuatanejo.

No doubt virtually every blogger who writes about photography features a cover shot in every blog post. I submit for your review a gallery of images that were feature cover shots in my photo blog in the hopes that the image would entice the reader to continue reading the post. As a bonus, I’ve included a couple of shots that would have made a great cover, but were passed over for shots that I thought might be more appealing in the context of that specific blog. Click on one of the images below to enlarge it and to scroll through the gallery.

If you would like to view the entire post to which these photos belong, click on the links below.


Bryce Canyon


Hiking Challenge


John Steiner


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