Cellpic Sunday – 6 June 2021

Celebrity Equinox

Miami, Florida.

In April 2019, we spent two weeks on our second Panama Canal cruise. Our first, in 2013, was to be that once-in-a-lifetime event that we would share in conversation with family and friends. Be careful when you do that, or you’ll be experiencing it again with family or friends who want the experience themselves and want you to accompany them.

It wasn’t much arm-twisting to get us to go along for the trip. It’s always more fun when you can share an experience with others. Besides, it gave us the opportunity to sail in the opposite direction, from California to Florida instead of the other way we sailed on our first trip. We also saw a couple of different countries and had the chance to try other excursions than on our first trip.

About the photo: A couple of months ago, I was reviewing photos for the weekly Lens-Artists Photo Challenge and I came upon a cellphone photo that I’d captured on my Samsung Galaxy 7 but had forgotten to write up a Cellpic Sunday post for it. On the last day of our cruise, we were sitting in port on departure day. I was up early as usual and out on the promenade deck when the Celebrity Equinox sailed by on its way to discharge passengers and pick up new ones.

While the image doesn’t make it appear that the ship is very close, it was too close to fit in a single cellphone image. I snapped two images, one of the front half, one of the back half, and then used the Panorama function in Adobe Lightroom to stitch them together. After a few tweaks, I moved the image to Luminar 3 for final processing. Be sure to click on the image to enlarge it for a better view if your browser supports the function.

I encourage fellow bloggers to create their own Cellpic Sunday posts. I never have a specific topic for this feature, and the only rules are that the photo must be captured with a cell phone, iPad, or another mobile device… If you have an image from a drone, that’s acceptable as well. The second rule is to link your challenge-response to this post or leave a comment here with a link to your post in the comment.

John Steiner


  1. That’s a really effective image 🙂 I rarely share my phone photos (we would say ‘mobile phone’ rather than ‘cellphone’!) but maybe I’ll see what I have for your challenge one of these days 🙂

    • You are correct about the terminology. These days, though, I’d guess “phone” is all that is necessary for most people who no longer have a “landline” phone. >grin<
      I chose the term "Cellpic simply for the alliteration in Cellpic Sunday.
      I will look forward to seeing your challenge-response when you get the chance.

    • It is also a tribute to the quality of the camera sensors that they have the range to capture that wide range of gradations in the digital image from the start.
      Thanks for putting together a response. I will check out your post!

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