Cellpic Sunday – 26 February 2017

Goodyear, Arizona.

This week we hiked in Estrella Park, a normally dry and brown landscape, but this spring, it is verdant and full of spring life. Wildflowers are beginning to make their appearance. In addition to the green ground cover, several areas of the park are springing to life with a collection of spring blossoms. Click on the image to enlarge it to view the small flowers more easily. The larger yellow flowers are Mexican Gold Poppies. The tiny yellow flowers in the foreground are fiddlenecks. There are also two types of purple flowers, a little harder to spot in this picture. The smaller purple blossoms are scorpionweed plants and the taller blueish purple flowers are lupine.

About the photo: This image was captured with my Samsung S7 cellphone. Exposure details: f/1.7 1/1250 sec. ISO-50. The rule for Cellpic Sunday is simple. The image must be captured on a mobile device.

John Steiner


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