Cellpic Sunday – 29 July 2018

Fargo, North Dakota.

This week the Blue Angels are in town for a visit. Earlier this week I noticed #7 sitting on the ramp at the Jet Center. This aircraft is the only two-passenger aircraft in their fleet. It’s used for media rides and other special purposes. I understand it arrives early in the week to be available for such events. As this is being written, I am preparing to help at the Civil Air Patrol booth. We have our FLIR-equipped Cessna 182 and our glider on display. Expect a photo story on this in an upcoming Travel Tuesday.

About the photo: Captured with my Samsung S7 cell phone, I tried several locations around the aircraft. I was intrigued by this image because once I put it in the editing software and turned down the highlights, I was surprised to see the sun appear as a large ball instead of the usual super-highlighted sky. The rule for Cellpic Sunday is simple. The image must be captured on a mobile device.

John Steiner


  1. One day a while back, I was at my parent’s house when I kept hearing an unusual noise outside. As these pilots ended a stunt and flew off to regroup, they were RIGHT over my parent’s place! They were so amazing, I was stunned that I was the only person outside watching them!!

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