Weekly Photo Challenge – Landscape

This week, Cheri Lucas Rowlands asks us to share our “best establishing shot, out in nature or in an urban setting.” You can read the entire challenge post here. Of course, asking a photographer to pick the favorite of his favorite genre is like asking a mother to choose her favorite child. It’s impossible. They are all my babies and I  can’t/won’t play favorites. 

I can, however, distinguish between shots that are technically “better” in some way or another. So I am including a small gallery of my “best” shots in one way or another. Regular followers of my blog will recognize most, if not all, of these shots since I like to publish my “best” work. What makes the opening shot “better” than the others is that it is the only shot to include wildlife. I think the two birds in flight add much to tell the story of the Bosque del Apache Wildlife Refuge in New Mexico. Click on an image in the gallery below to enlarge it or to scroll through the photographs.

John Steiner



    • Thanks. Always fun to get positive feedback! Took a quick look at your site since my wife and I like to hike. I think your hikes are out of our skill level, but I will enjoy reading about them.

      • Thanks for check it out! Yes, I enjoy strenuous hikes, but I also jump on any slow paced or easy hikes that offer great photography opportunities. You know what I mean. After all, we are hikers but also consider ourselves photographers, right? 🙂 Keep checking in. You may find some interesting trails to hike on! Cheers! 🙂

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