Weekly Photo Challenge – Monochromatic

This week, Jen H. asks us to share monochromatic images. Of course, that doesn’t necessarily mean they are devoid of color. You can see Jen’s examples here.  The image above is a sunrise taken from behind a grove of trees that border the Red River in Fargo, North Dakota. I have several examples to share, and you will find them in the included gallery. As Jen says in the challenge post, the emphasis of a monochromatic image is on texture and composition. Click on one of the images below to enlarge and to scroll through the gallery of images. I hope you enjoy my interpretation of Monochromatic.

John Steiner


    • I signed up for a WordPress class this week. I will be spending even more “quality time” reading and responding to blog comments this week. Thanks for the positive feedback (prejudiced though it may be. 🙂 )

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