Cellpic Sunday – A Rose for Mom


“All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.”

–Abraham Lincoln

On this day that was set aside to honor mothers, I realize that it has been almost 40 years since I have heard the voice of my own angel mother. Whether your mother is within arms reach, or within the arms of God, today is a day to thank her for what you have become today. Next month, it’s your old man’s turn (he said with a grin.) 

About the photo: I don’t think I have ever used the same Cellpic twice, but given this special occasion, I am sharing again, a rose I captured with my cellphone one day at the gym. It was in a glass on the counter, lit from above by a single tube fluorescent light. The photo is completely unedited coming straight from the camera and only resized to save space on the web. The rule for Cellpic Sunday is simple, the image must be captured on a mobile device.

John Steiner

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