Cellpic Sunday 8-23-2015

Mapleton, North Dakota

After a stormy day in Fargo, there was some promise for a partly cloudy sunset. As it got later in the day, though, clouds to the west all but melted away. Knowing that the fires in the west have been leaving particles that filter all but reddish shades, I headed west out I-94 from Fargo looking for a great location to capture some sunsets. We exited the Interstate just west of West Fargo and took the frontage roads westerly. When we got to the town of Mapleton, only a few miles from Fargo, we drove through the town. At the south edge, a small country lane headed west toward a farmstead. Pulling onto the lane just before sunset gave us a view of the Red River Valley near the Maple River.

I submit this image taken with my Samsung S6 and edited with Snapseed as my Cellpic Sunday image for the week. The rule for Cellpic Sunday posts is simple. The photo must be taken and any editing done with a mobile device.

John Steiner


  1. It’s a beautiful picture. I have seen a film “Fargo” I am not sure if it’s named after this same place.

    Have a great week ahead.


  2. Nice pic! I find it interesting that I don’t remember beautiful ND sunsets, not that they didn’t exist, I just never slowed down enough to appreciate them. Thanks for the reminder that my home town is just as beautiful as the rest of the nation (when it’s not too windy to enjoy LOL)! 😉 You should try to get some Northern lights pics, as much of the rest of the nation isn’t privy to those gorgeous sights, like the denizens of the FM…

    • Yeah, I never paid much attention to sunsets either until we happened to be out in the desert on a particularly perfect day for those glorious Arizona sunsets. Being “city boys”, we never had much of an opportunity to view them out in the country around here.
      I am trying to pay more attention to them, but I end up driving quite a bit to get out in the country. Of course, when we were in West Fargo, we were a lot closer to “country”, but then neither of us were into photo taking. 🙂
      Thanks for the comments!

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