Weekly Photo Challenge – Extra, Extra

On a recent snorkeling adventure in Mexico, one of the hosts brought up something extra from Davey Jones locker.

This week we are challenged to share a photo or photos that have something extra, either something out of the ordinary or something that maybe doesn’t belong in the photo. From the photo challenge post: “This week, share a photo that has a little something extra: an unexpected visitor, or a tranquil landscape with a splash of color.”

As I have often done, this week I tried to focus on the literal interpretation of the term. In the two examples, the something extra is not anything unusual for the place and time, but it is something that one does not normally see… I submit for your added visual stimulation, something extra.


A closed motel, though brightly lit by nearby parking lot lighting, does not mask all the pinpoints of light in the starry sky above White’s City, New Mexico. Click on the image to view it against a dark background to see more stars.

To review this week’s challenge, click here.


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