Lens-Artists Photo Challenge – Dreamy

Kauai, Hawaii.

Lots of people dream of visiting Hawaii. I’ve had the experience of two visits to that magical state. In this week’s challenge, Ann-Christine asks us to share our own concept of “Dreamy.” You can read her entire challenge post here. For me, that would be the Na Pali coast. On a short dinner cruise to visit Na Pali, the northwest coastline was covered in clouds with ever such a small hit of a rainbow.

Earlier that day we’d visited the coast on land and were greeted by mostly sunny skies and that beautiful lush green landscape.

As we departed the coastline, the clouds parted and the rainbow moved offshore. I have found very few places I’ve visited in my travels to be as “dreamy” as the Na Pali Coast of Kauai.

John Steiner


  1. Many dreams of Hawaii – true – and your captures are spot on! Lucky you to have been there! My favorite is the first one, with some rays of sun as well.

  2. Loved Kuai, John. What a lot of places you’ve been. I like how you’ve got them categorized. I’d love to have you comment on my post tomorrow which is a collaboration of bloggers discussing organizing photos.

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