Outer Banks – Sunrise on the Atlantic

Outer Banks, North Carolina.

I don’t often rise early to take advantage of the morning sunrise. More often I look for the late afternoon sun. On our single overnight in the Outer Banks, however, we would be up early and find a good place for capturing a sunrise along the sandy beaches. In the early pre-dawn, we drove along the main beach road and found a public access area where we could capture the morning sun as the day awoke. At the parking lot near the beach, several SUVs were already parked there. We parked next to an SUV where its occupants were unloading surfboards from the roof. On this chilly North Carolina morning, they were appropriately adorned in wet suits.

The gallery of images below document the sunrise from pre-dawn. Click on an image to enlarge it and to scroll through the gallery.

John Steiner

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