Cellpic Sunday – 18 December 2016

Fargo, North Dakota.

After a short month in Arizona, we are back in Fargo for the holidays. It’s quite a shock to go from highs in the 60s and 70s (F) to highs barely above zero (F). I was up early this morning to head to the gym and I noticed a fresh layer of snow on the ground. Lately North Dakota has been hit with some pretty big snowfalls, but the heaviest snows have bypassed our city.

One of our local banks decorates their trees and building in soft blue lights for the holidays. As I went by, I couldn’t resist stopping and capturing the image. The soft blue lights reflected off the newly fallen snow and the roof and on the ground around the building. Happy Holidays to all my followers.

About the photo: This image was captured with a Samsung S7 cellphone and edited on an iPad. camera in automatic mode set to f/1.7; 1/60 sec.; ISO-400.

John Steiner


    • In November, I captured a shot of the trees just after they lit them up. I planned to post that shot closer to Christmas. The early morning snowfall put snow on the roof which was missing from my November shot. That blue reflection from the roof added so much to the image, I scrapped the original without snow. Thanks for stopping by!

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