Lens-Artists Challenge #336 – Only One Picture

Old gentlemen of Betanzos.

This week, Ann-Christine asks us to share a photo that is meaningful to us. She writes, “so the challenge is to use only ONE picture. One that you find important, meaningful to you, maybe sending a message – and then explain why you picked just that picture. It is not meant to be a ”favourite” picture of yours, not at all…” You can read her entire challenge post here.

On a port stop in 2022, in the province of A Coruña, Spain, we toured the small city of Betanzos. We had lunch at a small restaurant, and as the tour group finished their lunch, we meandered outside. Near the restaurant, a group of older men were visiting. I imagined they meet regularly at lunch to tell stories and enjoy the day.

I picked this photo partly because Ann-Christine’s photo reminded me of it. Initially, it was a Cellpic Sunday photo captured with my Samsung S20U. I was learning some artistic filters accompanying the photo software and applied a filter that gave the image a watercolor feel.

We are back in Tucson from our Transatlantic Cruise, and I’ll be back on my regular posting schedule. Over the next week or so, I will slowly catch up on our friends’ posts.

Last week, I enjoyed Patti’s challenge of comparing black-and-white to color images. As a fan of black-and-white, I’ll be sure to check out some of the responses. Next week, Sofia will host the challenge on Saturday, February 22, at noon Eastern Standard Time. Be sure to follow her here so you don’t miss her post. If you’d like to join the fun but aren’t sure how to get started, check out the information here.

John Steiner

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