Weekly Photo Challenge – A Good Match

Skagway Alaska.

This week, Ben Huberman asks us to share a photo that “… can mix and match places, people, objects, and activities that represent…” a good match. You can read Ben’s entire challenge post here. A couple of years back, we visited Skagway, Alaska and found the Red Onion Saloon. Above the saloon, during the days of the gold rush, there was a brothel on the second floor of the saloon. The barkeep would manage when a “customer” could go upstairs to meet one of the ladies. Those days are long gone, but the second floor of the saloon as been restored to become a museum decorated as it might have been in the days when miners would bring a little bag of gold from their claims and have a night on the town. In the upstairs bedroom by a window overlooking the street, a red boa, a “classy” hat, and a red light in the window all provide clear signs of what awaits a visitor to the upstairs bordello where ten small rooms provided a bit of privacy for a miner and his lady of the evening.

You can read more about our tour of Skagway on an earlier Travel Tuesday post here.

John Steiner


    • I keep a tripod in the trunk of my car for occasional use, but I seldom use it and I don’t take one on airline trips. When necessary, I make use of impromptu “tripods”, walls, fences, anything solid to brace the camera against if I need too slow a shutter speed to hand hold. Sometimes I end up spoiling the shot with camera motion. It has occurred to me to buy a monopod to travel with me, but I haven’t yet made that purchase. A small one would probably easily fit in my camera backpack. Do you carry a tripod or monopod?

      • Thanks for the reply, John. I have both, but don’t carry either one on my trail walks. When I bought my new (slightly weightier) lens this week, the person advising me suggested using a monopod. I trust her advice, so may give it a try.

  1. We stayed in a red light district in Copenhagen. Whoa, doggie. Glad we don’t have kids there would’ve been some explaining to do! LOL

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