Weekly Photo Challenge – Adventure

Tárcoles River, Costa Rica

This week we are challenged to share photos that take the observer on a photographic adventure. From the challenge post, “It could be an image of someone setting off on an epic journey, a photo you took on an adventure of your own, or something more metaphoric that represents a personal or psychological adventure. ” To view the entire post, click here. I submit for your photographic adventure, a Tárcoles River Experience.

In the photo above, one of the large tour boats departs the dock with a full load of passengers ready for a river adventure. We’ve been told we will see crocodiles, a wide variety of land animals, and many different bird species. We would not be disappointed.

At first sighting of the tour boat, the crocs come swimming toward the boat. It’s then one of the tour guides surprises everyone by jumping into the water, chicken in one hand and fish in the other. It appears he’s a total idiot bent upon suicide. He’s bringing hors d’oeuvre along with his own personal main course.

Keeping his hands well away from those powerful jaws, the guide drops the food into the croc’s open mouth. He’s probably not sure whether the croc knows that old adage about not biting the hand that feeds you.

To see more photos of our Costa Rica Experience, check out these two blog posts:

Puntarenas Jungle River Safari

Our Costa Rica Journey, More from Puntarenas

John Steiner


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