Weekly Photo Challenge – Spring

A brittlebush plant shares the springtime spotlight with a cholla cactus

Buckeye, AZ

The old proverb, “No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow,” truely applies to the winter of 2013-14. No wonder the photo challenge creators focused their gaze upon the first signs of spring with a request for photos featuring springtime. I submit for your anticipated green light, a small gallery of photos featuring springtime colors in the Sonoran desert.

You can read the entire photo challenge post here.

Click on one of the images below to see an enlarged view and scroll through the springtime gallery.

John Steiner


  1. We continue to travel through your unique and beautiful photography, John! Thanks for sharing your talents! Beautiful AZ spring!

    • Thanks. As a recent visitor to the desert, I was amazed by the unusual beauty of a desert spring. It so broke the stereotype desert I had created in my own mind.

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