Weekly Photo Challenge – Dinnertime

This week, Michelle W. asks us to share dinner with our WordPress friends and followers. The choice is simple, share a meal or shoot during the dinner hour. You can read the entire challenge post here. I have chosen to share three photos for your dining pleasure.

The small gallery of images I selected for  this week’s challenge could be called, “Dinner is served!” As you can see by the opening photo, the crocodile is eying the fish… or is it that delicious-looking arm and hand? Good news for the guy in the orange, at least on this day, the croc only got the fish. The image was captured on an excursion to Costa Rica’s Tárcoles River (Rio Grande de Tárcoles). You can visit the original post about Puntarenas and our excursion here.

Moving back to the United States, the hummingbird in the photo above is enjoying a bit of sugar water supplied by the friendly folks at the Hassayampa River Preserve near Wickenburg, Arizona. An afternoon in the preserve will reward the visitor with at least glimpses of a wide variety of avian wildlife and some beautiful vistas. You can see more images from that post here.

Finally, less than an hour’s drive from Wickenburg in Litchfield Park, Arizona, guests of the zoo can purchase a small amount of food for the giraffes and, after climbing a tall stairway to the observation area, can feed the giraffes. You can view more photos from our day trip to the zoo here.

I’d like to stick around and write some more… but it’s almost dinnertime here in Fargo, North Dakota.

John Steiner



  1. Cool pics! We’ve got a hummingbird that flits around the windows coaxing drops off water out of the spider webs outside. It’s cool to watch them hover.

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